Write Guild Jackson MS

IT Support Jackson MS – Yes, We Have an IT Department!

Advanced MicroSystems offers alternative solutions to full time IT staff

Had we told our parents or grandparents 20 years ago that businesses would be crippled if the Internet went out, we would have been thought absurd. However, today’s businesses are dependent on power, technology and network infrastructures just to operate. Who would have imagined? Not our grandparents!


Growing IT Support Jackson MS

Many businesses find themselves in an awkward position. Along with our dependence on technology there is an almost immediate need in a business’ life for information technology IT support Jackson MS. The larger the business, the greater the need for continuous and diversified support. At some point, many businesses require full-time staff. However, having only one or two full time techs creates a situation with employee overhead, but the wisdom, skills and knowledge of only one or two individuals. This also brings the risk of downtime during vacations, holidays, and sick days. Employers who have faced the decision process of whether or not to staff up an IT department are very familiar with these complexities and frustrations.


Flexibility Meets Expertise

Advanced Microsystems (AMS), located in Ridgeland, Mississippi, provides a comfortable option for the operational period before bringing on more than a couple of full-time staff. AMS provides the benefit of a full-time staff of experts without the overhead or liabilities of full-time staff. This works for companies who prefer not to staff IT at all, and those who do hire only a couple of staff positions and then supplement to handle overage needs and needs outside of the staff scope.

According to AMS’s founder and President Jitu Patel, “Our goal is to work with the client’s company to provide what they need and to be flexible with their work environment.” AMS has established a reputation for dependability, often working nights and weekends to accommodate customer schedules. “Sometimes a business needs their server to be ready at 7 a.m. Monday morning. When your server goes down on Friday, you need someone who can help you on the weekend or other times with short notice. Of course, we always try to take care of the customer as fast as possible. So sometimes that means late hours or weekends and holidays,” says Patel.


Support that Pays Off

Patel estimates that clients often save 30% in overall cost without having the headaches of having extra staff and managing schedules and vacations. Says Patel, “We provide a range of expertise on an “as needed” basis. We offer hourly services and retainers up to full time positions based on the customers needs. And those needs may change over time.”

Businesses have to be nimble these days. As the economy trends upward, the businesses that have learned the advantage of being smarter and leaner will have the advantage. IT is a critical component to almost every business. A commodity in its commonality, it is absolutely critical as a cornerstone for operations. Businesses that have access to necessary expertise and expend fewer resources in doing so will benefit from the security in coverage and ultimately their competitive edge.

Advanced Microsystems is located in Ridgeland, Mississippi next to Primos Cafe on Lake Harbour Drive. They primarily serve the Jackson Metro Area but have clients statewide. They can be reached at 601-914-5657 and online at www.advmicrosystems.com.

Bryan Carter is an author, a member of thinkWRITE Guild, and a contributing writer for County Connections.

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