Howard Wilson Chrysler Jeep Dodge

Celebrating 31 Years in Business

A familiar fixture on Lakeland Drive, Howard Wilson Chrysler Jeep Dodge celebrates 31 years this year as one of the oldest and most trusted full service dealerships in the Metro Area. Founded in 1979 as a member of the Chrysler Plymouth franchises by family patriarch Howard Wilson, the dealership has grown and thrived on a foundation of customer service, community involvement and a commitment to family values. (more…)

Back to School Dentist Appointment


Back to school shopping is a well-learned ritual this time of year. But have you ever considered adding your kids six month check-up to the list?

To ensure that children are in good health for the new school year, routine exams such as vision and hearing are always a great idea. One area dentist, Dr. Andrew Achord, would like you to add one more tradition to this year, and the years following. A back-to-school dental exam ensures that everything is taken care of before your children are once again focused on school and school-time responsibilities. (more…)

Marketing Strategy for this Century helps Local Businesses Compete

Has the Web changed Marketing Strategy? Yes, of course it has. Has it become a tool to help you organize your marketing efforts? You bet.

The fact is, developing your brand and marketing materials has never been easier. Websites have become the proving ground for all aspects of a company’s marketing presence before it is ever committed to the sunk cost and expense of more traditional materials such as print, video and audio that, once created, cannot be easily changed or changed at all.

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Legal Success in Mississippi

Local Businesses Benefit from the Unique Combination of Legal and Business Expertise Offered at Willoughby Law Group

Native Jacksonian Martin Willoughby is not your average attorney. He brings a unique blend of legal and business knowledge to the practice of law. Martin’s journey has led him from operating his own successful start-up companies, to working for a large area law firm, to establishing his own firm, Willoughby Law Group PLLC, in Ridgeland, Mississippi. His interest in business and his own entrepreneurship have been primary influences in his career path. (more…)

Carter Executes Detailed Plan Perfectly

by Martin Willoughby
Originally Published August 9,2010 in the
Mississippi Business Journal
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Marketing is a very common business concept, but one that I find is interpreted and applied very differently by business people. Marketing is often seen as a luxury, and not a necessity, so it is often first on the chopping block during budget cuts. Hundreds, if not thousands, of marketing books are published each year trying to influence the way business leaders plan and execute their marketing strategies. Over the years, Al Ries, Jack Trout, Robert Cialdini and Seth Godin are a few of the authors and consultants that have risen above the pack to make a major impact on the way we think about marketing. For most entrepreneurs who don’t have a direct background in marketing, sorting through the various theories of marketing can be a difficult thing. Part of the confusion lies in how we think about advertising, public relations, sales, and marketing.

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Competitive Advantage In Ridgeland And Sister Store Advanced
Microsystems Help Local Businesses Compete

Ridgeland, Mississippi

This small business team is hard to beat. Small and large businesses alike are utilizing and Advanced Microsystems to boost their business and add stability to their technology solutions. And, the budgetary benefits can be significant.

In today’s ultra-competitive environment, where businesses are streamlining operations and costs, here are two local companies that are always busy. In fact, they have continued to grow despite the down economy. Both companies have developed a solid reputation in the tri-county area as the “go-to” places for websites and computer support. Bryan Carter, managing partner for, explains, “We make technology easy and marketing make sense. That is always our goal.”

Please click here for full article.

The Twitter about Facebook
Social Media meets Mainstream and Businesses go to Market

You heard about it from your kids months ago. Then you heard it mentioned in the news in passing. Suddenly, within a matter of weeks, Facebook and Twitter icons began popping up on everything from Fox, CNN, and major networks to mainstream publications and restaurants.

Social Media Marketing has hit mainstream. And, while MySpace has been thrown under the bus, Facebook and Twitter are thriving. How well? Well rumors of Google’s interest in Twitter are all the rage and if Google’s track record of picking winning online strategies is any indication then don’t expect this wave to end anytime soon. (more…)

I Just Need a Simple Website

“I just need a simple website.” Famous first words. While often true, it does not mean that you need a simple “bad” website. You may become one of the many who finds out that they have spent valuable dollars and have nothing to show for it.

Any website should accomplish specific business needs. Commonly, those needs can include communicating the image of your company, providing tools for your customers that help them and reduce your staff time, support sales with work and portfolio samples to build credibility, establish reputation, and other business and customer communication goals. All too often people fall into the trap of trying to define their needs as “simple” and falling prey to a translation of cheap and an ultimately poorly performing website. (more…)

What is this thing called SEO and do I need it?

What is this thing called SEO (we’ll tell you)? Is it the next big thing in web (yes)? Do we as web site owners need it (usually)? What exactly does it do (we’ll tell you that too)?

If you find yourself asking these questions then you may not be surprised to find yourself in good company. That is because even those who are implementing SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, for their sites may not have a real understanding of what is being done and how it is helping them or if it is helping them. The other real truth is that if you have a business website then you probably do need SEO. SEO is becoming a standard requirement for anyone needing to be found on the web. And, these days, as web searches continue to replace the Yellow Pages, that is nearly everyone. (more…)

Search Engine Optimization vs. The Yellow Pages

If you are like the majority of established businesses out there, after many visits and phone calls you have at least considered advertising in the Yellow Pages. If you are like many businesses, you have budgeted hundreds or thousands of dollars every year to advertise in the Yellow Pages with bold type listings, ad space and maybe even two colors.

So what is the hype with Google and other search engine searches. Well, the truth of the matter is that it is anything but hype. More and more people choose to search for business listings on their computers and phones using Google and other search engines rather than dragging out the phone book. In fact, more and more, you find people who haven’t even cracked open their phone books for the first time.
